Tuesday 25 January 2011

3. What have you learned from your audience feeback?

When doing my audience feedback I chose to use facebook to collect my answers.
This is because of my teenage target audience as they would be likely to answer and it was less hassle then using printed questionnaires.
I also chose to mostly ask questions which produce qualitative data as I think it gives me a better understanding of how audience’s opinions. 
Overall, I had very good feedback, all my respondents said they would go and see the film and all seemed to be intrigued and interested. 

2.What are the best/most interesting elements of all three?
The most popular elements seemed to be the build up of tension, close-up shots of my protagonist and the quick editing. This tells me that I effectively created an intense, intruiging atmosphere.

3.What could be done do improve any of them?
Five people said I could do with cutting it down in some way, with shorter or less shots. I agree, as for a teaser trailer it is several seconds too long as decreases the effect of the end as it drags on slightly.

4.Is the trailer intriguing or just confusing?

This tells me that I achieved the creation of enigma and intrigue, crucial when promoting a new film.

  5.Are the images effective and why?
Each respondent said the images were effective for reasons such as; drawing attention, creepy and well-shot. This again tells me that I effectively managed to create the right effect and chose the right images.

6.Would any of them catch your eye and make you want to know more?
This question told me that my trailer was the most effective but my audience seemed to find them all eye-catching and successful. 

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